Archive Posts
Ropstam Editorial Team
Mango Day at Ropstam
Summer is all about colors of weather, the brightness of flowers, and the fruit’s sweetness. Luckily, our country is enriched with all of these three attributes to make our summer worthwhile. In fact, we wait all year long for the summers just to enjoy the yummy flavors of our favorite fruit Mango. 22nd July is […]
PSL Match Live from Cricket Stadium
When it comes to cricket then everyone is ready to grab a bat and goal the six. Ropstam is also full of cricket enthusiasts who are always prepared to play the game. While playing cricket sounds exciting but there’s nothing more thrilling then supporting your favorite teams live from cricket stadium. This is exactly what […]
Feb’s Celebrations
February is the only month to have a length of fewer than 30 days! Over time, the length of February kept changing. At one point, it had only 23 days. Now we fluctuate between 28 or 29 days. But believe me, it just seems small when we think about it however it has the same […]
January’s Surprises
There must be a change from that monotonous routine. Celebrations at the workplace result in employee engagement. As indicated by googles hr manager Laszlo bock. “people don’t stay for the money”. If you really need your employees to stay connected. You need to create a fun and encouraging environment. Every once in a while. Have […]
New Year Celebrations- 2020
Don’t get yourself confuse. We are not doctors. Its just that we are wearing our companies shirt and that coincidently making us look like doctors. But we can treat and diagnose your software related issues though. The year 2019 was a tough year. Yet we all made through it and finally landed in another year […]